The Final Fellowship of rhe Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR)
Part A Examination comprises six modules, covering the full spectrum of clinical radiology. The fifth edition of Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology is structured to reflect rhe modular nature of this examination and is a core textbook for revision and preparation. This new edition contains established FRCR exam topics as well as recent imaging developments likely to feature in the forthcoming examinations. In 2008, the Royal College of Radiologists announced proposals to replace the negatively marked true/false format of the Final Part A examination with a new Single Best Answer (SBA) question style. Candidates arc required to select a single correct answer from a number of choices and marks are no longer deducted for a wrong answer. This change in question format will significantly alter the nature of the FRCR 2A examination and the revision methods used by candidates. Answering large numbers of truc/falsc questions is no longer essential for developing good FRCR 2A exam technique.
This book contains only SBA questions, drawn primarily from the fifth edition of Grainger & AUison and also from widely used radiology textbooks and journals. Each question comprises a short vignette containing clinical and/or imaging findings and the candidate is asked to select rhe best answer from a list of five options. The answer is accompanied by the full question reference, to enable the candidate to consolidate their knowledge.
We hope that this book will be a comprehensive and well-referenced resource for FRCR 2A candidates and we wish the reader every success!
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